
Funny Jeff Pics 7

Funny Jeff Pics 8

Funny Jeff Pics 9

Funny Jeff Pics 10

Funny Jeff Pics 11

Funny Jeff Pics 12

Funny Jeff Pics 12

Jeff shows D-Von how a real country boy square dances...
Yeah, so um, since when do Christian's nads make a good pillow?

Matt: ".....and then I came across this cow...." Jeff: "What in the HELL is that smell Matt???"
Matt: *playing councellor* "...and hoe does that make YOU feel Jeff?"

Jeff: "How do *I* feel? How do you THINK I feel??? I mean look behind you...Lita's boobies are getting shown off on the COVER of a WWF magazine, what about MY boobies? When do they get their own photo shoot???"
Jeff takes out his aggressions from earlier in the night on HHH, by giving him the ever dreaded....flying stink face.

Umm...ya...no comment.
Jeff: "I'm big bad and intimidating dammit, and you can't prove otherwise!" Buh Buh: "Ummm, ok then..."

Jeff: "I am so tortured..."

Regal: "Say Matthew, I couldn't help but observe that you have simply elegant boobies..." Jeff: "I don't like where this is going...if he gets my boobie cover shoot, there's gonna be trouble..."