
Funny Jeff Pics 7

Funny Jeff Pics 8

Funny Jeff Pics 9

Funny Jeff Pics 10

Funny Jeff Pics 11

Funny Jeff Pics 12

Funny Jeff Pics 7

Now just who was it that superglued their fingers like that?
Jeff: "I'm telling you Matt, it'll make a cool photo op! We'll put the belts over our shoulders backwards like this...and then stare at the curtain...could we BE anymore sexy?"
Jeff: "Just play it cool Matt...they'll never figure out that our fingers are *still* superglued..."
Hey there Jeffy...is that a banana in your pants or are you just happy to see me? hehe
Jeff: "Umm...I think a crab just crawled in my pants..." Matt: "Yeah mine too...just smile and nod Jeff, smile and nod..."
Matt: "This pole is sooo hurting my ass." Jeff: "Oh you know you love it..."
Jeff: "What was that? Are you dissin' the headband? Oh you know you only WISH you were as cool as me!"