
Funny Jeff Pics 7

Funny Jeff Pics 8

Funny Jeff Pics 9

Funny Jeff Pics 10

Funny Jeff Pics 11

Funny Jeff Pics 12

Funny Jeff Pics 8

Jeff: "Bub Buh man...can you hear that? What's that noise?" Buh Buh: "That's the sound of us getting our asses kicked my friend..."

Jeff: "Ha, ha, ha. Alright that's it, it's not funny anymore...stop mooing at me!"
Lita: "Uck...you guys are watching that porno AGAIN? That is DISGUSTING!" Jeff: "HEY NOW...I like the plot...I can't speak for Matt, but that's the ONLY reason I watch it..."
Jeff: "Sometimes....I like to wash myself with a rag on a stick." Matt: "Are you SURE I'm related to you?"
Jeff: "God dammit my boobies look even sexier when they're wet..." Terri: "I DO NOT know you..."
Jeff: "Hey man....I don't like the way you're lookin' at my boobies...I don't swing that way..."
Jeff: "I WILL have to strangle you if you don't stop laughing at my jacket..."
Lillian: "God Matt your breath is horrible!" Jeff: "Tell me about it...the boy doesn't brush his teeth...Christian cornered him a while back and actually did it for him..."
Jeff: "I can't believe I am actually wearing these tights...." Matt: "Shut up man, I think they're cool!"
Jeff takin' a nap in the ring part 137394728923.
Matt: "I can give you 5 REASONS why my boobies are better that yours!" Jeff: "Save your breath Matthew...it's a lost cause."
Am I the only one who thinks that Matt looks like a rabid raccoon hissing at Lita in this pic?
Jeff: *gasp* Matt do you see that??? That guy in the audience has a sign that says 'My boobies are better than Jeff's'....that bitch is going down!"
Jeff: "I defy you to look at these boobies and not be turned on!" GMS: "Ok, so you have a point...."